(Page Still in Progress.)
Websites of Interest
Christian Mystics: A Journey into the Presence of God
The Wild Things of God an introduction to Christian mysticism
A Voice in the Stillness a primer on Christian meditation and mystic practice
Journey Free: Resources for Recovery from Harmful Religion
But You Don't Look Sick: Support for those living with invisible illness
A History of God a History Channel documentary from Karen Armstrong's book of the same name. (free video)
Religion and the History of Violence Karen Armstrong speaking on her book Fields of Blood at the Chautauqua Institute. (YouTube)
What Is Religion? Karen Armstrong speaks at Simon Fraser University's Centre for Dialogue as part of their 12 Days of Compassion.
The Bible Hunters Part 1 The Search for Bible Truth (YouTube)
The Bible Hunters Part 2 The Search for Lost Gospels, a BBC documentary tracing the steps of the 19th century quest for the earliest Christian manuscripts both canonical and non-canonical. (YouTube)
The History of Christianity (Ep 1) BBC series made from Diarmaid MacCulloch's Christianity: the First 3000 Years. Hosted by the author. Nice as a supplement or precis rather than replacement for the text. (free video)
The History of Christianity (Ep2)
The History of Christianity (Ep3)
The History of Christianity (Ep 4)
The History of Christianity (Ep5)
The History of Christianity (Ep 6)
I had a few Amazon widgets here containing dozens, maybe a couple hundred, of books I'd read and would recommend but Amazon no longer supports widgets only native ad that I cannot control. Even worse, they took down my index so I no longer even have the list of books. It will take me a great deal of time to search my real life books shelves, my memory, and my few notes to recreate my book recommendations.